Wow scroll of resurrection legion
Wow scroll of resurrection legion

It's hard to get a sense of an entire World of Warcraft expansion from 30 minutes of play. In my short demo, I recreated my main (a Beast Mastery Hunter) and played through the introductory quests from the Bastion zone, a heaven-like plane from Azeroth's afterlife. There have been some missteps, sure (I'm looking at you, Warlords of Draenor), but I felt that the semi-recent Legion was the best expansion Blizzard has ever done.

wow scroll of resurrection legion

Within that framing, I feel WoW has gotten more and more fun over the years. But I tend to play solo or just with one or two friends on a sporadic basis, which means I'm looking for something very different than the hardcore raiding or PvP crowd. (I lapsed for a big chunk of the Wrath of the Lich King era for IRL reasons.) While I understand the appeal of WoW Classic, I am very much a proponent of modern WoW the game has evolved over time to be more accessible for me to play just a couple of hours a week, as real life now dictates.

wow scroll of resurrection legion wow scroll of resurrection legion

Further Reading World of Warcraft celebrates 15 years with a $100 Firelord statueLet's be clear where I'm coming from, here: I've been playing World of Warcraft almost continuously for 15 years.

Wow scroll of resurrection legion